Friday, January 17, 2014

Am I Doing This Right?

Probably not.

But, nonetheless, I'll try. This is my first post in what I hope to be a long and fruitful blogging career. My overall goal? Not to bore you. And to share my thoughts when I have some free time.

My inaugural post is a short one. But I wanted to take the time to give a special thanks to my good friend, Jessica Reynolds. She helped come up with the clever title of my blog: The A-Block. If you have been or are in the television industry, you understand the reference. If not...take Barry's advice. (Just kidding. Producers in television organize their show based on "blocks". The most important news goes in the "A Block" before the first commercial break. The "B block" follows that and get the picture.) You can probably figure out why I chose "A". At least, I hope so.

Also, if you have time, go check out Jessica's blog. It's pretty awesome and has an even more witty title than mine.

That's all I have for now. So sit back, enjoy the ride and...

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